African Bible College Audiology - University of South Florida Partnership
Dr. Jenna Vallario and Dr. Julia Toman
The USF Health Department of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery (ENT) surgeon Dr. Julia Toman and African Bible College Professor Dr. Jenna Vallario (USF Audiology graduate now full time at ABC Malawi) launched a research collaboration in March 2020 with the goal of promoting research development for Malawian audiology students and fostering collaborative global exchange.
USF hosts malawian audiology students
ABC Hearing outreach collaboration
Inaugural trip for USF team for visit Malawian colleagues. The exchange included a weeklong outreach to remote regions to expand access to hearing health services and ENT care. Students from the Audiology program senior class, ABC hearing clinic clinicians, local ENT clinicians, and the US team screened patients for hearing loss, provided care and counseling regarding chronic ear infections, and treated a host of ENT complaints.
In the second week, included ENT lectures for the senior audiology class by Dr. Toman to complete their curriculum and the opportunity to continue joint research endeavors.
Both Dr. Gordie and Ms. Dowdy have engaged in partnered research projects with senior audiology students at ABC, one of which was published in April 2023. This trip served as an opportunity for them to appreciate the practice environment of their colleagues. Both expressed a profound appreciation of coming to understand the health challenges faced in providing hearing health services in the region.
Both Drs. Toman and Vallario are thrilled at the ongoing expansion of the collaboration. “While research has remained at the heart of our exchange, the opportunity for clinical exchange in both directions really aids in appreciation of similarities and differences in healthcare challenges faced,” says Dr. Toman. This trip marks the next step in the ongoing journey of partnership marked by the promotion of research, educational advancement, and clinical exchange.
Research and Educational Symposia
Education and Research symposia
We support an educational and research symposium bringing sub-specialist experts in Otolaryngology from the United States to South Africa as well as having local expert speakers. Travel to the United States is expensive for our South African colleagues, so having experts in the various Otolaryngology sub specialties travel to South Africa to provide lectures allows for easier sharing of knowledge. These symposia also allow the ENT trainees from both sides to showcase their research initiatives.
Training courses
Each trip includes a training course in specialized skills. This allows for exchange of ideas about use of technology and advance in the field of Otolaryngology.
Courses to Date:
March 2017: Microvascular Anastomosis
November 2017: Lasers in the Larynx
Resident exchange
We support and facilitate bilateral exchange of trainees from the US and South Africa. Thus far we have focused on Otolaryngology but has also arranged for a few rotations in other specialties.
Hearing health
A central focus of our mission has been to better understand ear infections and work to prevent the often resultant hearing loss. The WHO ranks hearing loss in the top 5 of causes for lost DALY and ear infections cause 80% of preventable hearing loss worldwide. In this unique population that has a high rate of HIV and TB as well as exposures to the treats to these other illnesses, in addition to sometimes under developed living conditions, the end result is permanent hearing damage. We are engaged in projects with our South African colleagues to better understand the problem specifically in the South African setting, raise awareness, and hopefully in the end improve quality of life and productivity from better hearing health.